Nauticam NA-502 housing for Small HD 502 5-inch HD Monitor

  • RM6,300.00
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The SmallHD 500 series, the sharpest and lightest 5-inch field monitors available, are the perfect complement to a Nauticam underwater video system.  These products combine a stunning 5″, 1920 x 1080 Full HD Display with an amazing suite of software tools for image monitoring in a compact form factor.   The monitor feels immediately familiar, almost identical in size to your favorite smart phone.  A rubberized joystick is used to effortlessly flip through video “pages”.  Each page accepts multiple imagine analysis tools, configured by the user for their individual needs.  The NA-502 housing provides access to all monitor controls, and the complete menu system is available in the housing, and at depth. 



Depth Rating 100m
Weight 1.39kg
Dimensions 222mm (W) × 118mm (H) × 67mm (D)


There aren’t enough good things that can be said about this screen…  Pixel density (the specification that results in sharpness) is greater than iPhone 6.  The monitor is capable of displaying 85% of the NTSC color gamut, surpassing REC 709.  These tech spec simply translate into the best color, contrast, and resolution available in this class.

The Nauticam NA-502 housing features the rugged build quality and advanced manufacturing expertise our user base has come to expect.  The joystick navigation system used by the 500 series monitors is translated to four directional arrows, a center select button, and the dedicated “back” button.  The interface is simple, but elegant, and perfectly suited to the underwater environment.

The form factor of 501/502 monitors is perfectly suited for an underwater housing, with HDMI / HD-SDI cables nestled between two readily available Canon LP-E6 Batteries.

HDMI and HD-SDI (502) are both supported by a single housing, providing an extremely broad range of camera support in a single underwater monitor system.

Focus Assist

Highlights in focus edges, taking the guess work out of critical focus.

False Color

Extremely useful for judging exposure, pixel brightness is mapped to a color pattern used to see over and under exposed areas.

Pixel Zoom

Available from any video page simply by clicking the joystick up arrow, zooming in to check focus has never been easier!

Right Angle Cable Connector

Provides clean cable routing, and protects the cable from wear and tear at the housing connection.

Joystick Navigation Pushbuttons

The 500 series joystick navigation system is translated to a directional pad on the housing front.  Enhanced spacing is provided, making it easy to use, even when wearing cold water gloves.

Vacuum Peace of Mind

A vacuum valve, along with the Nauticam Vacuum Check and Leak Detection System is included as standard equipment.  This temperature compensated monitoring circuit with LED indicator proves constant feedback about the water-tight status of the housing.  Green means safe to dive!


#25064 15m HD-SDI Surface Feed Cable

#25065 45m HD-SDI Surface Feed Cable

#25058 HD-SDI Bulkhead

Nauticam HD-SDI Cable Accessories provide a reliable way of transporting a video signal over long distances.  SmallHD 502 features SDI Passthrough, and HDMI to HD-SDI cross convert, which allow a video signal to be sent topside to a director’s monitor.

#17916 NA-502 Monitor Hood

The monitor hood provides generous shading, and reduces glare in shallow water. 



NA-502 Instruction Manual